Tempe Begins Design Phase for ‘Reflector’ BIKEiT Route
It’s official. Tempe is beginning the design phase for the latest addition to the BIKEiT system, the ‘Reflector’ route.

Map of Tempe's BIKEiT system.
At the May 4th (may the fourth be with you) regular city council meeting, the Tempe City Council approved a contract to begin the design and eventual construction of the newest BIKEiT route, named ‘Reflector.’
The 3.5 mile route will start roughly at Warner Rd where the ASU Research Campus sits, and extend Northward along Country Club Way to the US-60 bike/pedestrian bridge. The project calls for “buffered/protected bike lanes” (fingers crossed that the city council actually allows it to be protected), as well as a one-mile multi-use path immediately to the west of the Research Park, traffic calming elements, raised medians and improved arterial signalized crossings.
The Reflector route will make connections with two pre-existing East/West BIKEiT routes, Spoke and Brake, helping to round out the city wide connections of the BIKEiT system. Reflector will eventually extend for a full 7 miles when work North of the 60 is completed (currently no ETA on that though).
For more information, you can check out the formal Summary Sheet presented to the council and the complete contract itself. And for info about the BIKEiT system, check out the City of Tempe’s web page for that.