Tempe’s 2050 General Plan needs support

Please let your voice be heard by taking 2 minutes to email [email protected] with your thoughts on the vision for Tempe’s future! We have a draft email below you can copy as is or edit to get started. The 1st revision of the 2050 General Plan was recently released (https://www.tempe.gov/government/community-development/planning/tempe-tomorrow-general-plan-2050). TBAG fully endorses the enhanced bicycle and pedestrian strategies outlined in the updated plan. We are deeply concerned about the removal of housing opportunities and mixed-use (housing, stores, and workplaces in one lot) developments in the new revision. Increased housing density creates safer streets with better bicycle / pedestrian infrastructure, reduces motor vehicle trips and pollution, and provides more amenities likes shops, grocery stores, and parks close to home. Plus we believe everyone deserves an affordable home in Tempe and the first step in that direction is providing more housing.
Example Email:
As a Tempe resident, I fully support the enhanced cycling strategies and circulation plan in the revised Tempe 2050 Draft General Plan. However, I am concerned about the change from mixed-use to commercial us in several areas, limiting housing density. Higher density housing promotes sustainable, active living and reduces traffic, pollution, and reliance on single-occupancy vehicles. Moreover, I am concerned about the revised plan’s vision for limiting development and additional housing to the urban core in North Tempe. All of Tempe deserves access to vibrant communities and excellent transportation connections that increased density provides. Please reconsider these changes and prioritize mixed-use development. Let’s work together to make Tempe a more sustainable, active, and vibrant city.