Movie Screening: Breaking Away

Join TBAG for a screening of the classic 1979 biking film BREAKING AWAY!

If you have never seen this film (or haven’t seen it in the past year) it is your moral obligation as a cyclist to join us. You won’t regret it.

When: Wednesday, February 13th. We will begin gathering at around 6pm, and the movie will start promptly at 7pm.

Where: Boulders on Broadway (530 WEST BROADWAY ROAD)- we have the upstairs room reserved and we’ll arrange it for comfortable movie viewing. The managers have generously offered to extend the happy hour beer prices for us all night long (and they have a fantastic beer list) and we get 10% off on pizzas. TBAG will buy a round of food to get us started.

Everyone is welcome– the bar area is closed to minors after 10pm, but everyone is welcome in the movie area all night long.

Breaking away flier

5 thoughts on “Movie Screening: Breaking Away

  1. Oh… and I forgot to mention that there is ample bike parking. There is space for ~20 bikes inside, there’s a rack with room for 10-12 more, and the manager said that we should feel free to establish bike piles in parking spaces.

    Ride your bikes- especially if you want to partake of the TBAG purchased food.

  2. Sounds cool! I’m new to TBAG, having signed up at the tour de tempe last year. I’ll be there with my bell on. Oh, and my lights too!

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