Volunteer at biggest party in town: the Tempe Tour de Fat


Grab your bike and your fishnets – Tour de Fat is coming to Tempe Oct. 5. But first – grab your friends and get ready to volunteer in the biggest bike event in town!

Volunteer to help us out in a couple ways:

1. Enjoy the Tour de Fat as it’s meant to be- with your friends! Volunteers can sign up as a group and work together during a specific shift. Whether you want to work with a specific group, during a specific time period, or in a particular position, be one of the first to register! Sign up to be the first to know when volunteer registration opens by going to https://www.biketempe.org/events/tour-de-fat or click here. Registration will begin soon.

As the lifeblood of this event, volunteers earn a free Tour de Fat t-shirt and two beer tokens.

2. Live or frequent anywhere in Arizona? Help us spread the word about the biggest party in town by volunteering to invite EVERYONE. Hand out flyers, put up posters and you could be in line for incentives and/or prizes through a system called StreetShimon. Please email info@biketempe.org if you’re interested!

Background: The Tempe Tour de Fat is the biggest bike party in the southwest. 100% of the proceeds go to local non-profit groups: TBAG, Bike Saviours, and Mountain Bike Association of Arizona. This years party is on Saturday October 5th at Tempe Beach Park. We need your help to make this party another  spread the bike love and help us raise more money for biking in the valley.